Emissions Trading and Certification Methodologies for Biochar 바이오차(biochar)의 배출권 거래와 인증 방법론
박소이 So-yee Park , 이재영 Jai-young Lee
The 2006 IPCC Inventory Report Guidelines, which proposed a calculation method for determining the carbon sequestration (greenhouse gas reduction) of biochar input into the soil, were revised in 2019. Furthermore, the IPCC Assessment Report (AR6) on mitigating climate change, released in April 2022, states that biochar can contribute to offsetting greenhouse gases by removing atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus aiding in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, biochar has been identified as an economically efficient resource with significant potential for carbon removal, making it a viable option for greenhouse gas reduction in national inventory reports. Moreover, international efforts are underway to develop methodologies for certifying this reduction, thereby facilitating greenhouse gas emission trading. For instance, Japan has developed a national-scale methodology, while the European Union has devised a methodology for certifying the greenhouse gas reduction of biochar in the carbon trading market. These certification methodologies encompass general considerations, such as system boundaries, methodologies for baselines, and monitoring methodologies. In the case of biochar, two factors must be considered when using the life cycle assessment methodology: soil inputs and concrete additives. Regarding soil inputs, a nationally intrinsic value must be derived for a parameter (the proportion of biochar remaining after 100 years) representing the change in organic carbon stock. For carbon sequestration using biochar as an additive in concrete products, etc., a value must be determined based on the product’s lifespan. Ultimately, this study advocates for governmental measures to develop emission-trading methodologies for disseminating carbon removal technologies that utilize biochar.
Carbon Neutrality and the Transition to a Circular Economy: Industrial Policy Trends in the EU 탄소중립과 순환경제로의 전환 : EU의 산업정책 동향
박상우 Sang-woo Park
The Lisbon Strategy, Europe 2020 strategy, and Green Deal, which are the EU’s growth strategies, prioritize fostering growth and employment. We examine how industrial policies have evolved in line with these goals. The Lisbon Strategy was renewed in February 2005, marking the adoption of an integrated framework approach for industrial policies for the first time. Subsequently, further steps have been taken to expand it based on the principle of sustainability in industrial policies. This has been extended to sustainable growth, a key priority of the Europe 2020 strategy, providing the EU industry with an opportunity to establish an integrated policy in the era of globalization, with competitiveness and sustainability at its core. The international agenda also highlights the transition to carbon neutrality through the concept of a circular economy, exemplified by the launch of the Green Deal, the EU’s medium-/long-term growth strategy, in December 2019. Green transition and digital transformation are the goals of the Industrial Strategy prepared in March 2020, with corresponding legislation underway to implement these objectives. As such, sustainability and circularity mandates are likely to become requirements in international trade deals. Therefore, the EU industrial policy is changing in tandem with its growth strategy, expanding into a growth strategy that goes beyond integration with environmental policy. At its core lies the principle of sustainable development in the EU treaties. These changes to the EU industrial policy significantly impact the international economic order, necessitating a review of the methods of integrating industrial and environmental policies in South Korea as well.
Key Words
Carbon Neutrality, Circular Economy, Industrial Policy, Sustainable Development
Analysis of Resource Efficiency Management Indices through Industry Material Flow Analysis: Focusing on Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products Industry 업종별 물질흐름분석을 통한 자원효율 관리지표 평가: 금속가공제품 제조업을 중심으로
박지형 Ji-hyoung Park , 임혜숙 Hye Sook Lim , 곽인호 In Ho Kwak , 이소라 Sora Yi , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang
Analysis of Resource Efficiency Management Indices through Industry Material Flow Analysis: Focusing on Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products Industry 업종별 물질흐름분석을 통한 자원효율 관리지표 평가: 금속가공제품 제조업을 중심으로
박지형 Ji-hyoung Park , 임혜숙 Hye Sook Lim , 곽인호 In Ho Kwak , 이소라 Sora Yi , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang
This study introduces a methodology for material flow analysis tailored to the characteristics of each industry, conducts material flow analysis at the industry level, and analyzes resource efficiency management indices. The industry to be analyzed is the ‘Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and furniture.’ To conduct the material flow analysis, we first established categories for input resources and generated waste. We then set the system boundaries of the industry (the analysis boundary) to define the scope of input resources and outflow waste, thereby determining the level of material flow analysis. The scope of the input resources encompassed natural and processed resources, while material flow analysis focused on industrial waste. The material flow analysis revealed that the manufacture of fabricated metal products industry used a total of 30,345,570 tons/year of input resources while generating 239,729 tons/year of industrial waste. Additionally, material flow analysis of the generated waste indicated that 72.4% was recycled, 15.1% underwent interim treatment, such as incineration, and 12.5% was directly landfilled. Nearly all the recycled waste was material recycled, with 99.5% undergoing material recycling and 0.5% undergoing thermal recycling. The resource recycling rate for the analyzed industries was 48.6%, with a final disposal rate of 41.9%. The resource recycling rate and final disposal rate of the manufacture of fabricated metal products industry fall short of the targets outlined in the first Master Plans for Resources Circulation, indicating the need for measures to achieve these targets.
Analysis of the Environmental Impact Reduction Effect of Mycelium-based Disposable Packaging 균사체 원료 일회용 포장의 환경영향 저감효과 분석
이종효 Jong Hyo Lee , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang , 강홍윤 Hong-yoon Kang , 김건용 Geon Yong Kim
In 2021, the total consumption of expanded polystyrene (EPS) in South Korea reached 62,222.9 tons, marking a notable increase of 2,983.4 tons compared to 2019. Incineration of EPS waste is a significant source of harmful emissions, including carbon monoxide (CO) and formaldehyde. Additionally, the decomposition of EPS results in microplastics containing hazardous components with adverse implications for human health. Microplastics generated from EPS waste exert a direct and lasting influence on the marine food chain, posing substantial risks to human well-being. Therefore, there is an urgent need to expedite the introduction of environmentally friendly alternatives to EPS in the commercial market. This study conducted a comprehensive comparative analysis of the environmental impact of 1 m3 of EPS and mushroom-based disposable packaging (MP) using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The assessment revealed a remarkable reduction in several environmental indicators: the abiotic depletion potential (ADP) decreased by 9.02E-01 kg Sb-eq (▼62.60%), the photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCP) decreased by 1.95E-01 kg C2H4-eq (▼53.40%), the global warming potential (GWP) decreased by 4.28E+01 kg CO2-eq (▼29.35%), and the ozone depletion potential (ODP) decreased by 1.00E-06kg CFC-11-eq (▼17.92%). However, the acidification potential (AP) and eutrophication potential (EP) increased by 3.07E-01 kg SO2-eq (▲109.49%) and 3.68E-02 kg PO43--eq (▲98.83%), respectively. This study acknowledges its limitations, including the use of estimates derived from company disclosure, literature data, and national statistics. Nevertheless, the findings underscore the need for improved management of EPS waste, accounting for the actual recycling rates and refining the life cycle inventory (LCI) database for lignocellulosics as raw materials. The results provide valuable support for industry management and policymaking, offering a visual quantification of the environmental impact of MP as a substitute for EPS, which has recently gained prominence due to its environmental hazards. This study emphasizes the need for further research in this area.
Key Words
Mycelium-based disposable packaging, Expanded polystyrene (EPS), Life cycle assessment (LCA), Six environmental impacts, EPS alternatives
A Study on Selective Dyeing of Leather Fibers in Leather Composite Fabrics Based on Natural Leather Waste 천연 가죽 폐기물 기반 재생 가죽 복합 원단에서 가죽 섬유장의 선택적 염색 연구
류승우 Seungwoo Ryu , 김지언 G-on Kim , 정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
A Study on Selective Dyeing of Leather Fibers in Leather Composite Fabrics Based on Natural Leather Waste 천연 가죽 폐기물 기반 재생 가죽 복합 원단에서 가죽 섬유장의 선택적 염색 연구
류승우 Seungwoo Ryu , 김지언 G-on Kim , 정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
This study explores a dyeing method for recycled fabrics using natural leather. Currently, natural leather cutting waste is rarely recycled. In this study, we investigated a selective dyeing method for leather yarn mixed with polymer after refibering using natural leather cutting waste. We examined pH changes and optimal temperatures for dyes and leather materials. The findings of this study will expand the industrial usability of new materials derived from natural leather waste.
A Study on the Near-Infrared Luminescence Characteristics of rPET and Oxide-based Inorganic Fluorescent Pigments under Melting Processing Conditions rPET와 산화물계 무기 형광 안료의 용융 가공 조건에 따른 근적외선 발광 특성에 관한 연구
김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
A Study on the Near-Infrared Luminescence Characteristics of rPET and Oxide-based Inorganic Fluorescent Pigments under Melting Processing Conditions rPET와 산화물계 무기 형광 안료의 용융 가공 조건에 따른 근적외선 발광 특성에 관한 연구
김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
This study investigates the luminescence characteristics corresponding to the melting processing conditions of rPET and near-infrared inorganic luminescent pigments, aiming to develop rPET products capable of verifying the authenticity of recycled products. We examined the melting processing conditions of rPET and near-infrared inorganic luminescent pigments, the thickness of the composite film, and the luminescence characteristics in the near-infrared region according to the application of the dispersant. Our findings indicate the potential for developing rPET products that meet environmental regulations, promote carbon neutrality, and combat greenwashing.
Key Words
Recycle PET, Near infrared, Luminescent pigment, Melt processing
A study on the Characteristics of Marine Engine Combustion Flue Gas Desulfurization of Alkali Metal-Based Pre-treatment Desulfurization Agent 알카리 및 토금속 기반 전처리탈황제의 선박용엔진 연소탈황 특성 연구
김우현 Woo-hyun Kim , 이철 Cheol Lee , 노창래 Changrae Noh , 최홍기 Hong-ki Choi , 위영호 Young-ho Wi , 엄성용 Sung-yong Um , 박아람 Aram Park , 심성훈 Sung-hoon Shim
A study on the Characteristics of Marine Engine Combustion Flue Gas Desulfurization of Alkali Metal-Based Pre-treatment Desulfurization Agent 알카리 및 토금속 기반 전처리탈황제의 선박용엔진 연소탈황 특성 연구
김우현 Woo-hyun Kim , 이철 Cheol Lee , 노창래 Changrae Noh , 최홍기 Hong-ki Choi , 위영호 Young-ho Wi , 엄성용 Sung-yong Um , 박아람 Aram Park , 심성훈 Sung-hoon Shim
The International Maritime Organization's tightened environmental regulations, which was enacted on January 1, 2020, with lowering sulfur content in ship fuel from less than 3.5% to less than 0.5%. The purpose of this study was to develop a pre-treatment desulfurization agent that can remove sulfur dioxides during the injection and combustion of fuel in the engine by mixing inorganic complex desulfurization agents with fuel oil as an alternative technology to scrubbers, as an exhaust gas post-processing technology for the ships using high-sulfur oil. The pre-treatment desulfurization agent composed of a liquid combustion catalyst based on a composite metal complex ion compound was introduced at a ratio of 6.0% and 3.5% of Bunk A oil into a ship engine to measure the reduction efficiency of sulfur dioxide during the cocombustion. At the same time, measurements were performed in parallel for the effects of nitrogen oxide, oxygen, and reaction temperature. As a result of the study, in the case of sulfur dioxide, the average concentration was about 100 ppm when no pre-treatment desulfurization agent was added, while the average concentrations were shown as 30 ppm and almost 0 ppm, at 3.5% and 6.0% additions of the agent, respectively. Two experiments showed similar results for nitrogen oxide reduction efficiencies with 20% and 40%, at 3.5% and 6.0% of pre-treatment desulfurization agent additions, respectively. The oxygen concentration and reaction temperature did not show any significant changes by adding the agent. As a result of this study, it was found that the use of the developed pre-treatment desulfurization agent showed the effect of reducing sulfur dioxide emission, and it was confirmed that the post-treatment device-intensive desulfurization technology by adding such agent could be utilized as a material-intensive desulfurization technology for the existing ships using high-sulfur oil.
Remediation of Mercury-contaminated Soil by Thermal Desorption Technique in a Laboratory-scale Muffle Furnace 실험실 규모의 머플로에서 열탈착법을 적용한 수은 오염 토양의 정화
백승기 Seungki Back
This study assesses the feasibility of remediating mercury-contaminated soil by applying thermal desorption technique based on laboratory-scale experimental results. Herein, we conducted temperature-programmed (ramp rate: 7℃/min) and isothermal (300-550℃) desorption experiments using mercury-contaminated soil. The mercury content of dried soil was analyzed in three particle size ranges (35.6 mg-Hg/kg: 0.6-2 mm, 61.5 mg-Hg/kg: 0.3-0.6 mm, and 137.8 mg-Hg/kg: < 0.3 mm). Subsequently, soil samples (< 0.6 mm with 96.1 mg-Hg/kg) were subjected to thermal desorption experiments using a laboratory-scale muffle furnace. During the temperature increase process, we observed two decomposition peaks of mercury compounds in the contaminated soil, indicating the presence of various compounds, including HgCl2 and HgS. Changes in the mercury content of the residues from the isothermal experiments were analyzed to determine the kinetic parameters. The rate constants of thermal desorption of mercury compounds ranged from 2.1 × 10-3 to 1.1 × 10-2 s-1 under conditions of 300-450℃. The activation energy and pre-exponential factor were 39.72 kJ/mol and 8.83 s-1, respectively. Based on the derived rate constant, the target mercury content (10 mg-Hg/kg) was expected to be achieved at residence times of 17.96 min at 300℃ and 4.71 min at 400℃. These results can inform the determination of the operating conditions for the remediation of mercury-contaminated soil.
Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metals with Contaminated Sediment by Hydrothermal Technology 열수가압공법(Hydrothermal Treatment)을 적용한 오염준설퇴적물의 중금속 화학종 변화 특성에 관한 연구
박혜원 Hyewon Park , 오민아 Minah Oh , 오승진 Seungjin Oh , 이재영 Jai-young Lee
Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metals with Contaminated Sediment by Hydrothermal Technology 열수가압공법(Hydrothermal Treatment)을 적용한 오염준설퇴적물의 중금속 화학종 변화 특성에 관한 연구
박혜원 Hyewon Park , 오민아 Minah Oh , 오승진 Seungjin Oh , 이재영 Jai-young Lee
River ecosystems are significantly affected by various heavy metal pollutants generated through anthropogenic activities, posing global environmental challenges. Sediment contamination in rivers is a critical concern due to its toxicity and bioaccumulation. Heavy metal leaching can occur, thereby affecting the final use of sediments. The transition of arsenic (As), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) fractions formed in sulfide-rich sedimentary deposits was conducted using SM&T sequential extraction. The results for residential and industrial areas showed a notable shift caused by hydrothermal technology (HTT). Specifically, we observed a significant shift in binding forms from fractions 1 and 2, associated with a high potential for natural leaching, to fractions 3 and 4, where leaching under environmental conditions was nearly negligible. The ratio of the residual fraction increased with hydrothermal treatment, and the pyrolysis temperature was transferred to the oxidative and residual fractions, stabilizing the heavy metals.
Key Words
Dredged sediments, Stabilization, Heavy metals, Hydrothermal technology, Sequential extraction
Analysis of the Material Structure Evaluation Status by Industry and Release Type of Glass Bottle Packaging Materials 유리병 포장재의 업종 및 출시 형태에 따른 재질·구조 평가 현황 분석
Analysis of the Material Structure Evaluation Status by Industry and Release Type of Glass Bottle Packaging Materials 유리병 포장재의 업종 및 출시 형태에 따른 재질·구조 평가 현황 분석
To enhance the recycling of packaging materials, a system was implemented to evaluate the material and structural aspects of packaging. However, it is challenging to determine why this improvement does not yield the desired results. Therefore, this study utilized the evaluation results of glass bottle materials and structures to reclassify products and companies by industry and category. It analyzed the materials and structures that pose recycling challenges and identified their underlying causes. Industries were classified into food manufacturing (C10), beverage manufacturing (C11), chemicals and chemical products manufacturing (C20), pharmaceutical manufacturing (C21), wholesale and intermediary trade (G46), and retail trade (G47). The products were categorized into cosmetics, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, pharmaceuticals, and food products for analysis. The analysis revealed that the wholesale and intermediary trade industry significantly contributes to the challenges in glass bottle recycling. Moreover, when considering the impact based on the release form, products such as manufactured/imported cosmetics, imported alcoholic beverages, manufactured pharmaceuticals, and imported food products exert a notable influence. Therefore, there is a pressing need for systemic incentives, both technical and policy-driven, and efforts from companies to address material and structural challenges, particularly targeting the wholesale and intermediary trade industry and the aforementioned products.
Key Words
Packaging materials, Glass bottles, Material and Structural Evaluation, Korean Standard Industrial Classification