Current Status of Impurities and Their Removal Technologies of Plastic Waste Pyrolysis Oil 폐플라스틱 열분해유 내 불순물 및 제거기술 개발 현황
이태원 Tae Won Lee , 송예진 Yeajin Song , 정의명 Ui Myung Chung , 오예은 Ye Eun Oh , 이재영 Jai Young Lee , 박영권 Young Kwon Park , 이도연 Doyeon Lee , 서명원 Myung Won Seo
41(6) 517-534, 2024
이태원 Tae Won Lee , 송예진 Yeajin Song , 정의명 Ui Myung Chung , 오예은 Ye Eun Oh , 이재영 Jai Young Lee , 박영권 Young Kwon Park , 이도연 Doyeon Lee , 서명원 Myung Won Seo
Plastic waste pyrolysis oil (PWPO) holds significant potential as a core material for promoting circular economy. However, impurities in PWPO hinder its use as a feedstock for plastic production. Nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, chlorine, and metallic materials are the most common impurities to steam cracking process, causing issues such as corrosion, fouling, coke formation, and catalytic deactivation. In this study, industrial thresholds (ITs) for each impurity in feedstock for industrial naphtha cracking center (NCCs) are presented, however ITs for certain metal impurities specific to PWPO currently are unavailable. The composition of PWPO is influenced by the type of plastic waste, with Cl, Cu, Si and Fe identified as major impurities. Among removal methods, chlorine removal has been the most extensively studied, typically achieved through catalytic or pretreatment processes. Oxygen removal using HZM-5 catalysts have been investigated, but nitrogen removal methods remain understudied for PWPO. Similarly, research on methods for removing metal impurities removal from PWPO is, to the best of our knowledge, sparse. This review examines recent advances in identifying PWPO impurities and their removal technology. To facilitate the effective use of PWPO, proper classification of the waste is of utmost importance. Additionally, further research is needed to establish ITs and develop purification methods that specifically targets PWPO.
Key Words
Plastic waste pyrolysis oil, Impurities, Chlorine, Removal technology, NCC
Biomass-Based CO2 Methanation: Recent Progress and Technological Developments 바이오매스 기반 CO2 메탄화 기술의 최근 발전 및 동향
황세진 Sejin Hwang , 구나영 Nayoung Koo , 이주엘 Juel Lee , 박영권 Young-kwon Park
41(6) 535-544, 2024
황세진 Sejin Hwang , 구나영 Nayoung Koo , 이주엘 Juel Lee , 박영권 Young-kwon Park
To address the pressing issue of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 methanation technology, which supports both direct CO2-to-methane conversion and processes utilizing CO as an intermediate, has emerged as a promising solution for converting CO2 into methane. Unlike previous reviews that focused primarily on thermodynamic reactions and catalysts, this review provides a broader perspective by examining biomass-based CO2 methanation. Synthetic natural gas gasification, anaerobic digestion, and pyrolysis were explored. Specifically, their mechanisms, catalytic performance, and efficiencies were compared, and ways in which their effectiveness could be enhanced are proposed. This review highlights the potential of biomass-driven CO2 methanation technologies and provides new research directions for advancing sustainable energy production and achieving carbon neutrality.
Key Words
CO2 methanation, Anaerobic digestion, Gasification, Pyrolysis
An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Green Finance Policy for Carbon Neutrality in the Waste Management Industry
Sanghoon Kwak , Jinwon Park , Hohyun Kim
41(6) 545-559, 2024
Sanghoon Kwak , Jinwon Park , Hohyun Kim
In March 2024, the Korean government announced a plan to provide about $306.6 billion in green financing by 2030 to support the low-carbon transition of industries in response to the climate crisis. This paper examines the impact of this large-scale green financing policy on Korea's waste management and renewable energy industries. An event study method was used to estimate normal stock returns and check for abnormal returns. Additionally, a cross-sectional regression analysis was conducted to determine whether these abnormal returns were related to the financial characteristics of companies. The government's announcement elicited a positive market reaction in the renewable energy sector, with a cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) of 11.45% during the event period (-10, 10). In contrast, the waste management industry experienced a negative market reaction, with a CAAR of -6.2%. This disparity stemmed from the government's clear support for renewable energy, which boosted confidence in its development. Conversely, the lack of support for the waste management industry indicated limited government interest, leading to disappointment. The analysis further revealed that waste companies with high capital expenditure and funding needs were adversely affected, while renewable energy companies reacted positively regardless of their financial traits. South Korea’s waste management industry faces significant challenges due to stringent carbon neutrality laws and the increased NDC targets announced at COP26. This sector needs dedicated management and support to address the high risks associated with achieving lowcarbon goals. Stakeholders must engage in comprehensive discussions and develop targeted solutions to reduce carbon emissions and enhance the industry’s role in responding to the climate crisis.
Key Words
Waste management industry, Renewable industry, Event study, Green finance, Carbon neutrality
Investigation of Active Material for the Steam Reforming Reaction to Produce Hydrogen from the Plastic Waste Derived Light Oil 폐플라스틱 유래 경질유로부터 수소를 생산하기 위한 수증기 개질 반응용 촉매의 활성물질 연구
진홍덕 Hong-deok Jin , 김학민 Hak-min Kim , 배민경 Min-gyeong Bae , 민수빈 Su-bin Min , 방진식 Jin-sik Bang , 정대운 Dae-woon Jeong
41(6) 560-566, 2024
진홍덕 Hong-deok Jin , 김학민 Hak-min Kim , 배민경 Min-gyeong Bae , 민수빈 Su-bin Min , 방진식 Jin-sik Bang , 정대운 Dae-woon Jeong
The increasing generation of plastic waste poses a significant threat to humanity and ecosystems. To mitigate the dangers associated with large amounts of plastic waste, it is essential to develop technologies for its utilization. Pyrolysis has emerged as an effective technology for managing plastic waste because it not only treats the waste but also cost-effectively produces valuable resources such as oil and gas. Pyrolysis oil is separated into heavy oil and light oil through distillation, based on their differing flash points. Using light oil, which has a low flash point, as a fuel can lead to undesirable and dangerous situations, such as explosions. However, light oil can be used to produce hydrogen through steam reforming reaction. Hydrogen is a key component of achieving a net-zero society because it emits only water when used as fuel in burners or fuel cells. In this study, mesoporous SiO2-supported catalysts with different active metals (Ni, Co, and Fe) were applied to the steam reforming reaction of light oil derived from plastic waste. The mesoporous SiO2 support was synthesized via a hydrothermal method, and the catalysts were prepared using an impregnation method. The results showed that the prepared catalysts achieved similar light oil conversion rates, with the Ni/SiO2 catalyst demonstrating the highest H2 yield. This superior hydrogen yield can be attributed to the properties of Ni, which effectively breaks hydrocarbon H-C bonds, and the easier reducibility of the Ni/SiO2 catalyst. Therefore, this study confirmed that Ni is as a promising candidate for reforming reaction of light oil derived from plastic waste to produce hydrogen.
Key Words
Plastic waste, Reforming, Light oil, Hydrogen, Active metal
Electrokinetic Remediation of Phenanthrene Contaminated Soil 페난트렌 오염토양의 동전기 정화 프로세스
이명호 Myungho Lee
41(6) 567-572, 2024
이명호 Myungho Lee
Factors influencing the decomposition of phenanthrene in low-permeability soil were investigated by the injection of hydrogen peroxide, anionic surfactants, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions using electrically induced flow. The study found that the sufficient oxidation did not occur because hydrogen peroxide remained in the soil for only a very short period of time. However, the injection of anionic surfactants facilitated the movement of hydrogen peroxide from the anode to the cathode region, enabling oxidation. Additionally, the injection of HCl prevented neutralization within the sample, resulting in relatively enhanced decomposition effects through the soil.
Key Words
Electrokinetics, Phenanthrene, Hydrogen peroxide, Anionic surfactant
A Study on the Optimal Conditions for Manganese Recovery Using Sulfuric Acid and D2EHPA in a Lithium Manganese Oxide Battery Pretreated with Tube Furnace 튜브전기로로 전처리한 리튬망간산화물 전지의 황산과 D2EHPA를 이용한 망간 회수의 최적 조건 도출에 관한 연구
김용민 Yong Min Kim , 윤석표 Seok-pyo Yoon
41(6) 573-581, 2024
김용민 Yong Min Kim , 윤석표 Seok-pyo Yoon
This study aims to find the optimal conditions for recovering Mn from waste mobile chargers through a hydrometallurgical treatment comprising acid leaching, organic solvent extraction, and stripping after the effective removal of the aluminum foil attached to the cathode material using a tube furnace. The cathode material was thermally treated in a vacuum at 550°C for 1 hour, then pulverized in the shear direction and sieved. After this treatment, most of the cathode active materials were reduced to less than 0.5 mm, while the aluminum foil was retained at sizes greater than 1mm, enabling effective separation prior to hydrometallurgical treatment. Under conditions of 2M sulfuric acid and D2EHPA with an aqueous to organic phase ratio (A:O) of 1:1 and an equilibrium pH of 4.5, the Mn concentration in the organic solvent at the equilibrium reached a maximum of approximately 23,800 mg/L. When the acid extract concentration was set to 14,500 mg/L, the optimal extracting conditions were achieved with an A:O ratio of 1:1. At the stripping stage, the Mn to sulfuric acid ratio in the organic solvent (Mn/H2SO4) was calculated, indicating stripping to be feasible at a ratio of up to 2.6:1. Finally, after reusing the organic solvent 5 times, the average Mn recovery rate was 85.9%, which was 14% lower than when a fresh organic solvent was used in the process. Key
Key Words
Lithium manganese oxide battery, Manganese recovery, Tube furnace, Sulfuric acid, D2EHPA
Investigation of Dust, Sulfur Oxides, and Nitrogen Oxides Emission Factors of Power Plants Using SRF and Wood Chips as Fuel SRF 및 목재칩을 연료로 사용하는 발전시설의 먼지, 황산화물, 질소산화물 배출계수 조사
백승기 Seungki Back , 송금주 Geum Ju Song , 유종익 Jong Ik Yoo , 문광주 Kwang-joo Moon , 김성철 Sungchul Kim , 박규태 Gyutae Park , 김록호 Rhokho Kim , 강대일 Dae-il Kang , 유명수 Myungsoo Yoo
41(6) 582-591, 2024
백승기 Seungki Back , 송금주 Geum Ju Song , 유종익 Jong Ik Yoo , 문광주 Kwang-joo Moon , 김성철 Sungchul Kim , 박규태 Gyutae Park , 김록호 Rhokho Kim , 강대일 Dae-il Kang , 유명수 Myungsoo Yoo
This study proposes improvements for the development procedure of air pollutant emission factors for facilities using solid-byproduct fuels such as solid-refuse fuel (SRF), Bio-SRF, wood pellets, and wood chips. For this, total particulate matter, as well as the concentrations of sulfur oxides (SOx), and nitrogen oxides (NOx), were measured at nine facilities, and the corresponding emission factors were calculated. Subsequently, the calculated emission factors were compared with emission factors used for granting permission at the studied facilities. Sampling was conducted based on Korean testing standards for air pollution. The results showed that the calculated emission factors differed from the emission factors used to grant permitting at the facilities. Because SRF, Bio-SRF, and wood chips were not included as fuels, the facilities made reference to emission factors for other fuel types, while the emission factors for SOx were not provided for facilities using wood pellets. Therefore, developing appropriate emission factors by incorporating new fuel types into current ones, a s well as improving outdated emission factors, are important for managing air pollutant emissions.
Key Words
Air pollutant, Emission factor, SRF, Wood chips, Fuel
Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Concrete Utilizing Oyster Shells as Fine Aggregates 굴패각을 잔골재로 활용한 콘크리트의 전과정 환경성 분석
오상현 Sang Hyun Oh , 김다연 Da Yeon Kim , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang , 노형주 Hyung Joo Roh , 이재영 Jae Young Lee
41(6) 592-602, 2024
오상현 Sang Hyun Oh , 김다연 Da Yeon Kim , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang , 노형주 Hyung Joo Roh , 이재영 Jae Young Lee
The global consumption of seafood has steadily increased owing to rises in income and improved dietary habits, resulting in an increase in seafood byproducts. The recycling rate of shellfish byproducts has remained low, at 19%. To address the issues associated with the disposal of oyster shells, studies have explored the use of oyster shells in concrete blocks, demonstrating that up to 20% of fine aggregates are replaceable. However, most studies have focused on strength analysis, while quantitative evaluations of environmental impacts are scarce. This study conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) to quantify the environmental benefits of oyster-shell-incorporated concrete blocks, which were compared to those of conventional blocks. Substituting 10% and 20% of fine aggregates with oyster shells reduced the ozone depletion potential (ODP) and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) by less than 1%, indicating minor effects. However, it should be noted that oyster shells are predominantly landfilled, and their use as fine aggregate causes landfill-avoidance effects. When these effects were accounted for, reductions were observed across six environmental impact categories. The ODP, eutrophication potential (EP), and POCP were significantly reduced, with 10% substitution achieving reductions of 2.70%, 4.15%, and 2.76%, respectively, and 20% substitution achieving reductions of 5.39%, 8.32%, and 5.52%, respectively. This study emphasizes the feasibility of using untreated oyster shells as substitutes for fine aggregates in concrete blocks and provides a quantitative analysis of the reductions in their environmental impacts. The results serve as an important data reference for promoting the sustainable management and practical utilization of oyster shells.
Key Words
Oyster shell, Life cycle assessment, Concrete blocks, Fine aggregate, Avoidance effects
Optimization of Production for Certification of Biochar for Carbon Dioxide Removal based on Pyrolysis Conditions 열분해 조건별 바이오차 탄소제거 인증을 위한 생산 최적화에 관한 연구
박소이 So-yee Park , 이재영 Jai-young Lee
41(6) 603-615, 2024
박소이 So-yee Park , 이재영 Jai-young Lee
Meeting the long-term temperature goals of the UN Paris Agreement requires greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere. Biochar’s role as a new CDR technology is currently being discussed. Particularly, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revising the national GHG inventory guidelines in 2019, related research has increased following the publishing of methodologies for quantifying the role of biochar as a CDR following its sequestration in soil. Therefore, this study aimed to scientifically evaluate the CDR methodology for biochar proposed by the IPCC and establish a methodology that reaches the Tier-2 level to calculate GHG reduction effects. For this, the conditions that satisfy the certification criteria for biochar at the earliest stage were determined, and the conditions of biochar production that maximize carbon removal were evaluated. The results of this study showed that, depending on the biomass type, biochar produced via pyrolysis at 400℃ for at least 30 min met the certification criteria, with an organic carbon content (Corg) of at least 10% and a H/Corg molar ratio of less than 0.7. However, for sewage sludge, the certification criteria were met only in the case of pyrolysis at 550℃ for at least 30 min. The manufacturing conditions with the largest organic carbon yield that met the certification seemed to be the most appropriate for maximizing carbon removal.
Key Words
Biochar, CDR, Carbon sequestration, Certification criteria
Analysis of the Supply Potential of Recycled Materials for Enhancing the Circularity of Used Batteries in Korea
Inchul Go , Sora Yi , Jihwan Park , Hyesook Lim
41(6) 616-623, 2024
Inchul Go , Sora Yi , Jihwan Park , Hyesook Lim
The growth of the battery market has driven strong competition over securing the supply of battery raw materials, and countries (such as the United States) and the European Union (EU) have implemented policies to achieve important mineral security goals. Moreover, from 2031, all industrial and electric vehicle (EV) batteries in the EU market will be subject to the minimum-recycled-content requirement for critical minerals as outlined by the EU Battery Regulation. In South Korea, a country that highly depends on imports for its supply of battery raw materials, recycling used batteries is becoming increasingly important for securing a sustainable battery supply chain. In this context, this study examined the supply potential of recycled materials for end-of-life (EOL) EV batteries in South Korea to obtain management strategies for the battery supply chain. The numbers of EOL batteries from battery EVs (BEVs), hybrid EVs (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) were projected for the years up to 2035 to derive the supply potential of these EVs for recycled materials, considering recycling factors such as battery type and material recovery rate. By 2031, the recycling of domestic EOL batteries is expected to yield 43,312 kg, 36,640 kg, and 162.9 kg of lithium (from 135,501 BEVs), cobalt (from 103,713 BEVs), and nickel (from 165,357 BEVs), respectively, each year. These amounts are sufficient to fulfill the minimum-recycled-content requirements for 52%, 40%, and 63% of the BEVs forecasted to be newly registered in 2031, respectively. The findings of this study underscore the need to establish integrated management strategies for all types of batteries, create a circular system, and develop a systematic implementation plan to respond proactively to changes in battery demand and technologies as well as to global guidelines such as the EU Battery Regulation.
Key Words
Electric vehicle (EV), End-of-life batteries, Recycled content, Recycled materials supply potential