A Review on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Methane Emissions to Improve the Accuracy of Its Measurements in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 폐기물매립지의 메탄 배출량 측정 정확도 향상을 위한 시·공간적 배출 특성 고찰
송상훈 Sang-hoon Song , 김란희 Ran-hui Kim , 이남훈 Nam-hoon Lee , 박진규 Jin-kyu Park
A Review on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Methane Emissions to Improve the Accuracy of Its Measurements in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 폐기물매립지의 메탄 배출량 측정 정확도 향상을 위한 시·공간적 배출 특성 고찰
송상훈 Sang-hoon Song , 김란희 Ran-hui Kim , 이남훈 Nam-hoon Lee , 박진규 Jin-kyu Park
First-order decay models have been used to estimate annual landfill methane emissions for national greenhouse gas inventories. These models vary greatly. Inaccurate input values or oversimplified processes, such as methane oxidation or dynamic methane emission rates, cause this downside. Direct field measurements can be used to predict total methane emissions more accurately. Methane emission rates fluctuate weekly and daily and are influenced by the soil cover and meteorological conditions such as barometric pressure, temperature, rain, and wind speed. Hotspot emissions contribute significantly to landfill methane emissions. To accurately estimate annual methane emissions, direct field measurements must account for meteorological effects and quantify hotspot emissions during landfill emission monitoring programs. In South Korea, there are no field-based calculations, hampering the development of a strategic strategy to reduce methane emissions from solid waste landfills. South Korea must develop innovative methods to quantify landfill methane emissions and a mitigation strategy.
Key Words
Municipal solid waste landfill, Methane emission, Meteorologic parameters, Hotspot
A Study on the Improvement of Management System for the Transboundary Movement of Waste: Focused on the Harmonized System of Korea 수출·입 폐기물의 관리 개선 마련 연구: 관세·통계통합품목분류표(HSK)를 중심으로
박윤수 Yoon Soo Park , 전태완 Tae-wan Jeon , 신선경 Sun-kyoung Shin , 엄남일 Nam-il Um
A Study on the Improvement of Management System for the Transboundary Movement of Waste: Focused on the Harmonized System of Korea 수출·입 폐기물의 관리 개선 마련 연구: 관세·통계통합품목분류표(HSK)를 중심으로
박윤수 Yoon Soo Park , 전태완 Tae-wan Jeon , 신선경 Sun-kyoung Shin , 엄남일 Nam-il Um
The export and import waste generated in Korea amounts to 2.63 million tons per year (about 4% of total industrial waste). During importing and exporting waste, an item code called the Harmonized System of Korea (HSK) is assigned to it through classification, inspection, and customs clearance procedures. This study prepared methods for identifying the current status of HSK, systematizing HSK, and effectively applying HSK. First, the following were investigated: the status of the HSK Code, the current status of HSK management in Korea, and HSK related to waste. As a result, Korea adopted the HSK classification table and operated with it as a notice by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. A system of 10 units is used, and there are about 339 HSK related to waste. Second, it was found that there were wastes without HSK or that some items did not match. 119 new HSK were proposed for 17 types of imported and exported waste. Third, it was found that, at times, responsible personnel made the wrong decision or intentionally entered incorrect HSK in the process of importing and exporting waste. Designated and ordinary industrial wastes under the “Waste Control Act” of Korea need to be linked with the HSK.
Key Words
Export and import waste, HS code, HSK
Reduction Measures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in South Korea: Advances and Challenges of Landfill Gas Valorization 우리나라 폐기물매립지 온실가스 감축방안 : 매립가스 유효활용의 발전 및 과제
박진규 Jin-kyu Park , 송상훈 Sang-hoon Song , 김란희 Ran-hui Kim , 전연호 Yeon-ho Jeon , 이남훈 Nam-hoon Lee
Reduction Measures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in South Korea: Advances and Challenges of Landfill Gas Valorization 우리나라 폐기물매립지 온실가스 감축방안 : 매립가스 유효활용의 발전 및 과제
박진규 Jin-kyu Park , 송상훈 Sang-hoon Song , 김란희 Ran-hui Kim , 전연호 Yeon-ho Jeon , 이남훈 Nam-hoon Lee
South Korea’s most recent national inventory report found that landfills are the largest anthropogenic source of methane. Despite decades of closure, landfill methane emissions threaten human health and climate change. This study investigates landfill gas (LFG) valorization to reduce these emissions. This technique converts LFG into value-added chemicals like biomethane, syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen), methanol, and dimethyl ether. LFG valorization is an interesting approach to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and shift toward a low-carbon society, but it is not economically feasible. To reduce carbon emissions and boost LFG valorization in South Korea, a carbon tax and/or subsidies may be considered. Establishing a sustainable LFG valorization technology would provide enough momentum to create a circular carbon-based economy.
Key Words
Climate change, Municipal solid waste, Landfill gas, Valorization, Carbon tax
An Analysis of the Environmental Load Reduction Effect Applying Life Cycle Assessment Methodology : Environmental Impact Comparison between General Wooden Deck and Coffee Waste Wooden Deck 전과정평가 기법을 활용한 커피박 자원화의 환경부하 저감효과 분석 : 일반합성목재와 커피박합성목재의 환경영향 비교를 중심으로
이종효 Jong Hyo Lee , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang , 황윤수 Youn Soo Hwang
An Analysis of the Environmental Load Reduction Effect Applying Life Cycle Assessment Methodology : Environmental Impact Comparison between General Wooden Deck and Coffee Waste Wooden Deck 전과정평가 기법을 활용한 커피박 자원화의 환경부하 저감효과 분석 : 일반합성목재와 커피박합성목재의 환경영향 비교를 중심으로
이종효 Jong Hyo Lee , 황용우 Yong Woo Hwang , 황윤수 Youn Soo Hwang
In this study, we compare the environmental loads of the coffee waste wooden deck and the general wooden deck using the life cycle assessment (LCA). We estimate the coffee waste wooden deck’s environmental advantages by LCA methodology. According to our findings, a coffee waste wooden deck reduces environmental load by 13.2% when compared to a general wooden deck. The reduction ratio for eutrophication potential was 20.4%, acidification potential was 19.4%, and global warming potential was 15.9%. Among the six environmental impact categories, abiotic depletion had the least reduction. In particular, while CO2 emission reduction may seem insignificant numerically from the functional unit's perspective, it can be considered a significant reduction effect given the characteristics of building materials. Assuming the trail construction, which has 3.6 m of width and 360 m of length (1,320 m2), the reduction effect of the environmental load is approximately 11.6 ton CO2-eq. Moreover, it reduces environmental load by 11.6 tons of CO2 equivalent per year and absorbs as much GHGs as 4,936 pine trees or 3,277 oak trees. This study helps management and policymakers visualize the impact of recycling coffee waste on the environment.
Key Words
Coffee waste, Wooden deck, Life cycle assessment, Environmental impact assessment, Global warming potential
The Bending Strength Characteristics of Mortar Mixed with Biochar 바이오촤를 포함한 모르타르의 휨강도 특성
Biochar is a charcoal-like material that separates and stores the carbon component of organic biomass that is grown by absorbing the greenhouse gas emissions produced from burning fuel. Interestingly, when biochar is used as an additive during mortar production, the effect of the stored greenhouse gas is evident in the characteristics of the building. In this study, we experimentally evaluate the bending strength of mortar when biochar partially replaces the content of sand in mortar production. Under the condition that the ratio of cement to sand is 1: 3, in the range of 0% to 9.3% based on the mass of cement, we produce specimens in which some sand had been replaced with biochar in 4 cm × 16 cm × 1 cm. Following this, the bending strength of these specimens is measured using a three-point bending strength-measuring device at 7 days and 28 days respectively. Our findings reveal that at up to 7% of biochar replacement rate, it is possible to produce a greenhouse gas-stored mortar without loss of mortar strength; more so, we observed that the 5% biochar replacement rate demonstrates the highest bending strength showing that the advantage of strength improvement can also be utilized.
Carbon neutrality is a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the soil, forest, and oceans. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a variety of research on energy such as solar, wind, hydrogen, biomass, and waste energy has been performed worldwide. Bio-fuel oil and bio-crude oil are considered promising energy resources to achieve carbon neutrality because they can be effectively used not only for heat energy but also for transport fuel. In this study, an experiment on the combustion characteristics of bio-fuel oil and bio-crude oil blends was conducted. The mixtures of biofuel and conventional diesel fuel were also studied. A conventional oil burner with a 35 kW capacity was modified into a downward injection type and to adopt an air-blast atomizing nozzle. Bio-fuel oil was made from waste oil and bio-crude oil was derived from coffee grounds. The temperature distributions in the combustion chamber and the gaseous emissions were compared at various blending ratios. When the bio-fuel oil was blended with bio-crude oil from the coffee ground, nearly complete combustion was observed, except for the 100% bio-crude oil, with the emission of a large amount of CO. It was also shown that as the ratio of bio-crude oil was increased, NO concentration increased due to the nitrogen content in the bio-crude oil. In the cases where biofuel was blended with diesel fuel, all cases showed close to complete combustion, where the temperature of the combustion chamber was raised with an increasing ratio of diesel.
A Study on the Immobilization of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Decomposition Byproducts Using Powder-Type Calcium Oxide (CaO) Powder-Type 산화칼슘(CaO)을 이용한 육불화황(SF6) 분해 부산물의 고정화 연구
A Study on the Immobilization of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Decomposition Byproducts Using Powder-Type Calcium Oxide (CaO) Powder-Type 산화칼슘(CaO)을 이용한 육불화황(SF6) 분해 부산물의 고정화 연구
류재용 Jae Yong Ryu
Climate change represents a worldwide warning on global warming and has elevated awareness on the global climate crisis. As a result, worldwide changes to tackle climate change have been initiated. In compliance with the Paris agreement, Korea has declared Carbon Net Zero and implemented legislative changes. Regarding the greenhouse gas emissions in Korea, the mineral industry plays a large role among other industries. A huge amount of greenhouse gases is emitted during the decarboxylation and calcination processes in the cement production process. Therefore, to address the climate crisis, the cement industry also needs to develop technologies to promote carbon neutrality. This study was conducted to explore ways to control SF6, of which GWP is the highest, using cement kiln and thermal plasma, and to recycle the byproduct of pyrolysis into an eco-friendly cement supplementary material by immobilizing it with calcium oxide. The destruction and removal efficiency of SF6 was 100%, while the immobilization reaction rate calculated from the concentration change of the by-product was 99.4%. As a by-product of the immobilization reaction, cement subsidiary raw materials such as fluorite (CaF2) and anhydrite (CaSO4) were generated, and it is thought that recycling of these raw materials is possible.
Key Words
Sulfur hexafluoride, Powder type calcium oxide, High-temperature, Immobilization, Recycle
A Study on Supporting Method of Waste-to-Energy Facilities Depending on Environmental and Economic Evaluation 폐자원에너지 시설의 환경성 및 경제성 평가에 따른 지원방안 연구
박세인 Se-in Park , 이유민 Youmin Lee , 남궁훤 Hueon Namkung , 강준구 Jun-gu Kang , 전태완 Taewan Jeon
A Study on Supporting Method of Waste-to-Energy Facilities Depending on Environmental and Economic Evaluation 폐자원에너지 시설의 환경성 및 경제성 평가에 따른 지원방안 연구
박세인 Se-in Park , 이유민 Youmin Lee , 남궁훤 Hueon Namkung , 강준구 Jun-gu Kang , 전태완 Taewan Jeon
Although the need for new and renewable energy is increasing, support for waste-to-energy facilities has been reduced as the related laws have been amended. Accordingly, there are concerns about the weakening of the competitiveness of waste-to-energy facilities. Therefore, this research conducted a study on the support methodology for waste-to-energy facilities. To provide support for waste-to-energy facilities, it is necessary to evaluate the related facilities based on common factors. In this study, for the evaluation of waste-to-energy facilities, the environmental indicator was calculated by using the environmental properties of the facility as a factor, while the benefit calculated by examining the energy production of the waste-to-energy facility was used as the economic indicator. In addition, the numerical values of each indicator were simplified through normalization, and the scores of the environmental and economic indicators were calculated by scoring the normalized values. For the calculated result, the sum of the environmental and economical scores was used as the overall score of the facility by applying the indicator reflection ratio.
Effects of High Calorific Medical Waste from COVID-19 on the Emission Characteristics of Air Pollutants in Waste Incinerator 코로나 19 고발열 의료폐기물이 소각시설 대기오염물질 배출특성에 미치는 영향
이은송 Eunsong Lee , 김진태 Jintae Kim , 이정규 Jungyu Lee , 신완호 Wanho Shin , 한소영 Soyoung Han , 홍원석 Wonseok Hong , 윤진한 Jinhan Yun
Effects of High Calorific Medical Waste from COVID-19 on the Emission Characteristics of Air Pollutants in Waste Incinerator 코로나 19 고발열 의료폐기물이 소각시설 대기오염물질 배출특성에 미치는 영향
이은송 Eunsong Lee , 김진태 Jintae Kim , 이정규 Jungyu Lee , 신완호 Wanho Shin , 한소영 Soyoung Han , 홍원석 Wonseok Hong , 윤진한 Jinhan Yun
This study evaluated the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on nitrogen oxides emissions from a medical waste incinerator. During the summer vacation season and year-end periods, the amount of medical waste as well as COVID- 19 patients dramatically increased by 2 to 6 times. In addition, nitrogen oxide emissions increased by approximately 30 % due to the injection of high calorific medical waste into the medical waste incinerator. The increase in medical waste calorific value is attributed to the exclusion of diapers from the medical waste classification and the composition of synthetic resins in waste transport containers. By applying the energy conservation law, the estimated waste calorific value for the months with the highest and lowest nitrogen oxides emissions were ~5,250 kcal/kg and 4,760 kcal/kg, respectively. The correlation between waste calorific value and nitrogen oxide was confirmed. However, the calorific value of medical waste varies for each transport container, and there is a limit in constantly controlling the calorific value of the injected waste. Therefore, to minimize the environmental impact of medical waste incinerators, it is necessary to apply combustion optimization technologies such as flue gas recirculation and air staging combustion to control air pollution.
Key Words
COVID-19, Medical waste, Incinerator, Nitrogen oxide, Calorific value
A Study on the Change in Physical Properties of Leather Waste and Silica Fillers in Gasket Sheet Manufacturing using Natural Leather Waste 천연 가죽 폐기물을 이용한 가스켓 시트 제조에서 가죽 폐기물 및 실리카 충진제별 물성 변화 연구
정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
A Study on the Change in Physical Properties of Leather Waste and Silica Fillers in Gasket Sheet Manufacturing using Natural Leather Waste 천연 가죽 폐기물을 이용한 가스켓 시트 제조에서 가죽 폐기물 및 실리카 충진제별 물성 변화 연구
정득준 Deukjun Jeong , 김관용 Gwanyong Kim , 이상철 Sangchul Lee
This study is on an upcycle technology for manufacturing gasket sheets using solid waste generated in the manufacturing process of natural leather. Regarding the manufacturing of rubber gasket sheets based on dry manufacturing technology, we studied the crosslinking characteristics and mechanical characteristics of shaving scrap and trimming scrap according to the types of natural leather waste, where the effect of the type of silica used as a reinforcing filler was investigated. As a result, research on industrial recycling items that reduce carbon usage and do not generate wastewater was conducted.
Key Words
Leather waste, Rubber gasket sheet, Silica, Dry process